What's new in RunaBase 6.0.17


RunaBase 6.0.17 from 2 August 2019

- In the "Set field value" operation, fixed setting the value for the Object field;
- Fixed a hang in some cases when performing the operation "Run another operation";
- Fixed a bug when deleting an object field that had a non-empty value in the Initial records;
- Added processing of inequality signs written in the form: "≤", "≥" in the Condition field;
- Fixed error when generating a Word document, in some cases;
- Fixed operation of the printer selection dialog;
- Fixed processor loading in an open form with data, in the presence of Paint fields;
- Fixed order of showing fields with a value that does not match the regular expression when saving a record;
- Updated operation "Organization by TIN" (uses the dadata.ru web service): "Short name" is renamed to "Short with LF*", "Full name" to "Full with LF", fields "Short" (without LF) are added and "LF briefly", added information on the status of responses;
*LF - legal form

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