What's new in RunaBase 6.0.34


- Added operation "Convert string for url"
- Fixed crash of the program when re-selecting an object reference (
[RU] http://runabase.ru/forum/threads/vykidyvaet-iz-programmy-esli-stoit-uslovie-na-proverku-pustogo-znachenija-ssylki-na-obekt.923/#post-4221)
- Display of thousands separators in the final calculations of the Result form
- Fixed behavior of splitters when transferring a project to a computer with a very different screen resolution
- Fixed clipping of Labels, which are in the Group to hide, when navigating through the records
- Fixed the hidden Calculation field with the FRAC function
- Fixed copying in the child object from the object field of the parent object and the subsequent transfer of parameters to the filter
- Fixed the formation of an Excel document in the form of a link when outputting data only from child lists
- Fixed recalculation of fields on a hidden tab using the Date field
- Fixed display of tabs when editing operations
