What's new in RunaBase 6.0.33


- Added processing of the ~User system field in the Group field condition
- Fixed work with several operations "Value from previous record" ([RU] http://runabase.ru/forum/threads/oshibka-v-operacijax.896/)
- Fixed warning when there are string constants in a Composite field
- Fixed opening external https links in HTML form
- Fixed the absence of a custom icon in an object / form when switching from an HTML form
- Added checking of a reference field (another object) for an empty value in the condition of the Condition field
- Fixed the filter on the Object field with the original value from the user object (~User), when working locally
- Fixed bug when copying in several fields Object from parent object, when working over the network
- Fixed a bug in the Calculation field when using the operations "Value from the previous record" ([RU] http://runabase.ru/forum/threads/oshibka-v-raschetnyx-poljax-pri-ispolzovanii-operacii.909/)
