What's new in RunaBase 6.0.25

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Rune Base 6.0.25
- Added recognition of a number with a thousand separator when pasting from clipboard
- Added processing of the "time+number" formula to the Calculation field, result: time
- Fixed visual deletion of a field if the user selected "No" in the window that warns about deleting fields
- Fixed the operation of parameter passing
- Fixed the Group field working on hiding in forms (http://runabase.ru/forum/threads/versija-6-0-24.759/)
- Fixed the "Extra square brackets" error during daily recalculating if the object has more than one Period field
- Fixed saving prefixes for Operations
- Added buttons to go to the object / form in Operations
- Scrolling is disabled for Number and Switch (view:list) fields when placed on the same line

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