Fields that store information in the database:

– string
– text
– composite
– number
– calculation
– date
– period
– time
– object
– switch
– combination
– file
– execute

The basic properties of the fields are described on the page Fields. Below is a description of the specific properties for each field.

— string

Enter text in one line. It is possible to set a subtype for specific data with additional functionality.

Additional properties of a string type field
  • Subtype, that defines differences in data behavior and display:
    • String: single line text box;
    • Email: opening the default system mail program and creating an email with the substitution of contents in the address bar;
    • Web link: opening the default system explorer with the specified link;
    • Link to folder: opening a folder in system explorer;
    • Link to file: opening a file in system explorer;
    • Password: is displayed only in edit mode, the contents of the field becomes visible when the cursor is placed in it;
    • Map: selection of a map service (from the list defined in the settings) to open the specified address in the system Internet browser;
    • Tags: when used in a filter, a comma-separated list of phrases is selected and opened to mark and filter entries.
  • Mask: define the input mask;
  • Regex: regular expression for setting input rules and checking various criteria;
  • Unique: checking for existing value in other entries and prohibition of saving;
  • Autofit: display a drop-down list of values starting with the entered context;
  • Column width in the list of entries in pixels (with a value of 0, it is set by the maximum value of all visible ones);

When you enable the filter by string with the "Tags" subtype, a window is used to select the values, in which all the tags that appear in all entries of the object are listed. The window contains an internal filter for tag names. Entries are selected by logical OR.

In the Link form, the original value may be redefined when creating the entry.

— text

Enter text in multiple lines.

Additional properties of a text type field
  • Line count: the maximum number of lines for a text field (if 0, then the height of the field fills all the free space of the window).

If two or more text fields are placed on the tab, then when auto-sized, their height fills the free space in equal proportion.

— composite

Compiling the value of other fields into one string field.

Additional properties of a composite type field
  • Formula, on the basis of which the field value is composed.

In the Composite field formula, template functions can be used, except those who work with files and images.

When the fields that are included in the formula are changed, the field value is recalculated automatically.

The "Apply" button is used to update all entries in the object.

In the Link form, the receipt of data from the child list can be redefined, but at the same time updating the data in the object by the button is blocked.

— number

Enter numeric values ​​(integer or floating point). Automatic numbering or duplication of the value of previously entered values ​​is possible.

Additional properties of a number type field
  • Decimals: the number of decimal places;
  • Suffix: displayed on the second line of the list of entries and after the field in detail;
  • When creating an entry
    • Initial: when creating an entry, is set: the value from the Value property / maximum value from the object + 1 / value from the previous entry;
    • Depends: the maximum value is selected from entries that have a link to the specified field of the object;
    • Value: the initial value for the entry being created.

In the Link form may be:

  • set summation from the data of child objects;
  • set summation over the displayed entries of the object;
  • enabled the filter with the initial range of values.

— Calculation

Calculation based on numerical and other calculation fields. Calculations using date and time fields are also possible.

Additional properties of a calculation type field
  • Decimals: the number of decimal places;
  • Suffix: displayed on the second line of the list of entries and after the field in detail;
  • Formula: calculation of the result according to the formula using allowed functions according to mathematical rules;
  • Calculation: display of the formula next to the field with the substitution of values in the applicable fields.
Operations and functionsDescription
SQRT ([field])
square root
POW ([field]; degree)
exponentiation (degree may be fractional)
INT ([field])
the integer part of the number (without rounding)
FRAC ([field]; precision)
fractional part of the number with the specified number of digits after the decimal point (the result is an integer)
ABS ([field])
module (absolute value)
LN ([field])
natural logarithm
AddDay ([field]; argument)
change the date to the number of days specified in the argument (if the new date value does not have a valid value, then the nearest date is returned)
AddMonth ([field]; argument)
change the date to the number of months specified in the argument
AddYear ([field]; argument)
change the date to the number of years specified in the argument

The degree, precision or argument can be: field / number / calculation.
For fields, it is allowed to use links to fields of an object of any nesting depth.

In the formula of the Calculation field, the use of Date and Time fields is allowed. Allowed operations:

  • addition of date with number ([Field] + Number), the result: date / number of minutes;
  • subtraction of the number from the date ([Field] - Number), the result: date / number of minutes;
  • subtraction of the date from the date ([Field] - [Field]), the result: the number of days / number of minutes.

The number of minutes is calculated by the formula: hours * 60 + minutes.

The formula of the Calculation field allows the use of the system field [~ today], which is replaced in calculations for the current date. When you first open the database (or at midnight) in objects that use Calculation fields with the system field [~ today], the result is recalculated to the current date.
To recalculate all the fields in an object, use the "More" - "Recalc" operation in the object's menu.
To test recalculation with the system field [~ today], the operation "More" - "Recalc for date" in the object menu is used. If, after using this operation, recalculation to the current date is not made, it will be executed automatically at midnight or at the first launch on the next day.

Additional features in the Link form:

  • calculation of the total for entries that fall into the specified filter with a display at the bottom of the list;
  • inclusion of a filter with the installation of initial values at the upper and lower boundaries;
  • hiding the installed filter.

— date

Entering a date using a calendar or as a string.

Additional properties of a date type field
  • View: data entry method:
    • calendar: date with a dropdown calendar and a required value;
    • string: a line with manual input and acceptable null value.
  • Filter Apply: filter condition for the field: below the list of entries / on the additional tab / do not apply. The filter consists of two string fields that define the lower and upper boundaries of the search: the first field imposes a filter condition greater than or equal to the specified value, and the second field - the condition less than or equal. When both fields are set, filtering is performed for the specified period.

For the string mode, the following characters are allowed as a separator: space, dot, minus, forward slash. The input data is analyzed and the result is shown to the right of the field. Data entry examples:

  • 1 10: 01.10.2019 (current year)
  • 8.1: 08.01.2019 (current year)
  • 5-12-1980: 05.12.1980
  • 10/3/3: 10.03.2003

Input without a separator is also allowed. For correct recognition, it is desirable to indicate 6 or 8 numbers (two or four digits of the year), for example:

  • 011110: 01.11.2019
  • 05041987: 05.04.1987

In the data mode, to the right of the field there is a button to quickly set the current date.
Changing data in the "calendar" mode is possible using the Up/Down keyboard buttons.

In the Link form, you can set the lower and upper boundaries of the filter by default, differing from the current date by the specified number of days.

— period

The calculation of the period between two dates in various formats, including the calculation with the system field "today".

Additional properties of a period type field
  • Date 1, Date 2: date fields of this object for calculating the period where the second is subtracted from the first date;
  • Format: result presentation format:
    • Years Months Days
    • Years Months
    • Years
    • Days
  • Value -: for a negative result (if Date 2 > Date 1).

For both date fields, you can specify the system field [~ today]. If it is used, when you open the project for the first time a day (or at midnight), the data of the Period field is recalculated to the current date.
To manually recalculate the data of an object that contains a Period field, use the "More" - "Recalc" operation in the object menu.

— time

Entering time using different methods.

Additional properties of a time type field
  • View: data entry method:
    • value: standard time representation with a separator ":" and a required value;
    • string: a string with manual input and acceptable null value;
    • interval: determination of the interval step in minutes (set in the Interval property);
    • list: select an option from a predefined list (specified in the List property);
  • Min time & Max time: allowable minimum and maximum limits for data entry (for all data entry methods except List);
  • Interval: the option of setting the interval step in minutes: 5/10/15/20/30/60, when editing the data entry consists of two drop-down lists: hour and minute, the specified minimum and maximum boundaries are taken into account;
  • List: listing a list of valid time options separated by commas; when editing, data entry is one drop-down list.

In the data mode, for input methods value and string, to the right of the field there is a button to quickly set the current time.
Changing data in the value mode is possible using the Up / Down keyboard buttons.
For the string mode, a space is also allowed as a delimiter.

— object

Link to the record of another object with the possibility of one-to-one relationship.

Additional properties of a object type field
  • Source: object of the current database for a link to its entry;
  • Backlink: field of the source object that has a link to the current object (for making one-to-one link).

When editing an entry, the button to the right of the field opens a window with a list of entries of the source object without details and with installed filters (by default and taking into account the parameters passed). The entry is selected by the "Select" button or by double-clicking on the entry.
The field of the object link displays the value of the first (key) field of the object.
To delete a value in the object field, use the icon with a cross in the right part of the field.
When viewing data, the button to the right of the field serves to open the source object and go to the selected entry. If the entry is outside the set filters, a message is issued about this.

To filter entries with an undefined (empty) value, the button (« ») is used in the filter. This combination of characters (« ») can be used to set the default value in the filter.

When backlink is established with the second object, when selecting / deleting the link to the entry, the link to the entry of the given object will change in the entry of the second object.

  • Note
    For initial values, when creating an entry and in the filter, the system field [~user] can be used to set a link to the entry of the user logged into the system during multi-user work.

Additional features in the Link form:

  • assignment to the button of transition to the object or its form;
  • the initial value when creating the entry;
  • setting filter application.

— switch

Select one value from a predefined list with the ability to add custom icons.

Additional properties of a switch type field
  • Values: a list of values, separated by commas;
  • View: display list of values as buttons on a single line or as drop-down list;
  • Style: display only string values or with the addition of icons of the same name from Project images.

When using the icon display style, only icons without string values are displayed in the object/form entry list.

Icons from Project images must match by name, excluding extension. Valid icon extensions: png / jpg. An empty value or space is allowed in the value list.

In the Form of links, it is possible to override and hide the filter.

— combination

Selecting multiple values from a predefined list with filtering based on the principle of AND or OR.

Additional properties of a combination type field
  • Values: a list of values, separated by commas;
  • Filter Condition: a condition for processing multiple values for a filter: logical AND or logical OR.

When working with data, the field is a drop-down list in which the required values are checked.

The selected values are listed in the field separated by commas.

— file

Adding a file to the record.

Additional properties of a link to field type field

When editing data, the field contains the file name and a button in the right part of the field to open a dialog box for selecting a file.
When viewing the data, on the right side of the tab on which the field is located, space is allocated for placing previews of images or icons with the type of the attached file. This area can be expanded by dragging the separator with the mouse.
Double-clicking on the file icon opens the file in the corresponding application. In the context menu on the file icon, you can open the file with another application, delete and rename the file. The command "File location" is used to open a directory with a file in the system explorer.
For individual work, the attached files are placed in the _files project directory. In multi-user work, the placement depends on the type of project: if the work is carried out only on the local network without Internet connections, the file storage remains in the local folder. If users work with an Internet connection, the files are transferred to Yandex.Disk cloud storage.
The file storage structure is a two-level tree. The names of the first level of directories are internal object IDs, and the names of the second level are the ID of entries in the object. Attached files are placed in second-level directories with the names of entry IDs.

When you open an editable file (.txt, .doc, .xml and others) in network mode, the program monitors changes to the file when it is saved and copies it to the repository.

  • Important
    If a file is opened by several users at the same time, changes will be recorded for the user who last saved the file.

— execute

Execution of one or many predefined commands in the operating system.

Additional properties of a combination type field
  • Console: the condition for executing commands in the system console window or in the background;
  • Line count: the maximum number of lines for a text field (if 0, then the height of the field fills all the free space of the window);
  • Execution: :
    • all: execution of all commands regardless of the result of each of them;
    • previous succeeded: each next executes if the previous succeeded;
    • previous failed: execution of each next if the previous one was not completed.
  • Note
    Each command in the field should begin with a new line.
  • Note
    To close the console window manually, it is recommended that you put the pause command last.
  • Attention
    The behavior of command execution in the console window may differ from hidden execution in the background.

© 2006- Vladimir Borozdin. All rights reserved.